Before we begin, this is by no means a ranked from best to worst ‘top hot chocolates of Oxford’ style article. This is merely me trying lots of hot chocs across the city (a true hardship but I took one for the team) and gathering my thoughts – serious stuff hot chocolate, and as the most indecisive person on the planet (classic Libra) I’m not ready to rank them all just yet. So, here’s the first five. More to come.
The Perch, Binsey
The fact I had this hot chocolate after an incredible Autumn wild swim in Port Meadow meant the endorphins were really endorphin-ing, but I think I’d still love this hot choc regardless. Rich, not too sweet, topped with chocolate flakes, and served in an ADORABLE little goblet, what’s not to love?!
Obviously, I had no choice but to have the homemade sausage roll on offer with it (vegan option available too!), it would’ve been rude not to. Can be enjoyed both in front of the cosy roaring fire inside or if it’s sunny, I recommend sitting out in the gorgeous garden and staring at all the cute dogs. Wholesome/10.

Colombia Coffee Roasters, Summertown and in the Covered Market
Yes ofc if you like coffee you should probs get the coffee here because from what I hear it’s up there with the best.
However, if you’re an overgrown child like me and still don’t like coffee – this is a great place for a hot choc, especially if you like it on the darker side.
Here they have more than one option of hot choc (immediate green flag) and I’ve tried both the Sierra Nevada and the Chocopanela.
Both are great but I think Sierra Nevada wins for me, at 70% it’s the exact level of chocolatey without being sickly sweet.
Barefoot Bakery, Jericho and North Parade
If you haven’t drooled over Barefoot Bakery’s cakes, schedule this in asap. I cycle past the Walton Street store most days and the towering cakes topped with fruit and flowers and all sorts of gorgeous things quite often cause me to almost crash (what a way to go that would be).
This hot chocolate wasn’t my fave – but that’s because I prefer a much richer and strong hot choc. If you prefer it on the milky and sweet side – this one’s for you.
‘Your cup of ambition‘ decorating the takeaway cup was also a brilliant way to start my morning, thanks Dolly.

Gail’s, everywhere
I much prefer spending my money at independent places, but credit where credit’s due, the 75% cocoa hot choc at Gail’s is spot on. Velvety, smooth, and not too filling. I actually got this one for free for my birthday through the Gail’s app – yay for free things in exchange for having been born.
As it was my birthday, I treated myself to the cult classic cinnamon bun as well. Dipping this into the hot chocolate is what I imagine heaven to be like. DELISH.
Tree Artisan Cafe, Jericho
I was feeling adventurous so went for the Super Dark hot chocolate. It wasn’t actually as bitter or strong tasting as I thought it would be considering the name, but was delicious nonetheless.
Paired with an Apricotine pastry this was a complete delight and brightened up my Monday. I’m developing an obsession with this pastry that either luckily or unluckily depending how you look at it seems to be available everywhere in Oxford at the moment. I should probably stop before I turn into a giant Apricotine myself.

I’m going to stop there for now as this has made me hungry and despo for a hot choc, shock.
So, there’s the first five Ox hot choccies!
I’m very keen to hear your thoughts, where should I go next? Do you totally disagree with me? All thoughts are welcome, and my next 5 will be coming soon!
Hotel chocolate!!!